Manicure & Pedicure at home
Get your nails done at home in
(Ft. Lauderdale, Pompano Beach, Boca Raton Delray Beach, Boyton Beach, Pam Beach)
I wanted to make this page really simple for people that are looking to have a private home or office manicure. I have worked all around miami with incredible people. I’ve been a resident in salons in Fisher Island, Miami Beach hotels, Brickell among others.
I have been working by referral for a really long time but have noticed there is nothing online to let people know that there are people like me who can come to you.
I understand we all have busy routines and its my goal to make yours less busy by saving you the time of going and coming back to the salon.
I do Manicure and Pedicure. I have a specialty for those people suffering from ingrown nails.
Shellac mani and pedi is something that everyone talks about nowadays. If you’ve never tried it, then you should. It makes a big difference in how you feel and how people perceive you in social gatherings and at work.
Gift Certificates available. Se habla Español.
Since 1993